Leadership is not telling others what to do. Leadership is inspiring others to do what needs to be done. Many people around the world who are in leadership positions are not leaders. Dictators call themselves leaders but they are not – they are tyrants.
Leadership itself has not evolved, but our understanding of it has. It is important to understand why very different leadership styles can be effective, why the same leadership techniques will not work in every situation, and which leadership style fits your personality best. Everyone has leadership potential within them, but start to learn Self Leadership will help you maximize your leadership ability.
In any given Leader Characteristic definition, you will notice that none of them actually tells you how to lead in a practical manner. They don’t address what to do or say in any given situation. That is because there is no real formula to being a leader. Leadership must come from within and it is based on your personality. In this seminar, you will learn how to develop your innate leadership abilities and build the confidence required in being a true leader.
Outcome : Mentransformasi diri melalui perubahan mindset personal dan komitmen sebagai professional. | |||
Time | Topic | Speaker | Outcome |
08.00 – 09.00 | Registration, Coffee break and Networking | ||
09.00 – 10.30 | Session 1 : What do leaders talk about bringing Entrepreneurship spirit into work place? | The Body Shop Rudi Ersan BOD Advisor the Body Shop |
Understanding that Intrapreneurship is part of Leaders Characteristic |
10.30 – 12.00 | Session 2 :How Can Leader Influence Organization to Change? | Pieter Adrian MBA : Director at STIRTA Group | How to lead, inspire and motivate your team |
12.00 – 13.30 | Lunch – Networking | ||
13.30 – 14.30 | Session 3 :How to manage your positive energy and body wellness as part of self leadership? | DR.Dr. Aris Wibudi Sp.PD-KMED – RS.OMC / RSPAD-GS | Body & Mind is one system : Managing your health is part of self leadership |
14.30 – 15.30 | Session 4:Gaining personal insight on how to fit your leadership style in the dynamic organization? | Yumei Sulistyo Psi.MM.MNLP BOD Proxsis Group | How to change mindset of take a lead for better image? |
Pria kelahiran tahun 1954 ini lulus dari fakultas kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, kemudian mengambil spesialisasi penyakit dalam. Menyelesaikan gelar doktor dari Institute Pertanian Bogor.
DR. Dr. Aris terus mempelajari, menggali kekuatan dan potensi yang terdapat dalam diri setiap manusia untuk mencapai kesembuhan secara fisik. Beliau juga sebagai praktisi hipnoterapi dan EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) yang kerap memberikan pelatihan yang terkait dengan kesehatan holistik.
Kegiatan dan organisasi ;
- Ketua Perhimpunan Edukator Diabetes Indonesia
- Ketua Himpunan Studi Obesitas Indonesia
- Pengurus PERKENI Jaya
- Dewan pakar Perhimpunan Dokter Herbal Medik Indonesia
- Anggota Perhimpunan Kedokteran Komplementer dan Alternatif Indonesia
Praktek klinis ;
- RS Omni Medical Center
- RSPAD Gatot Soebroto
Yumei Sulistyo Psi., MM., MNLP
Psychologist : majoring in Industrial and Organization Psychology. Post graduate in General Management from IPMI/Monash Univ. Graduated in 2002, and having certified in Marketing management from AIM ( Asian Institute of Management) Manila in the same year.
Experienced in Sales and Marketing in the Pharmaceutical and Nutritional industries for almost 20 years, International Assignment as Marketing Director for ASIA (exclude Chinna and Japan) region, before purposely move to Human Resources Professional in order to pursuing passion of mobilizing organization toward company goal Since 2002, last position as Director, Head of Group HR in the group company with total employee of more than 6000 and currently as Board Of Director Proxsis Consulting Group.
Profesional and Soft Skill Certifications :
- Licensed Master Practitioner of NLP TM from DR. Richard Bandler USA
- Certified Hypnotherapy Instructor from IBH
- Certified Behavior Analyst from DiSC – QQ International
- Fire Walk Trainer
- Certified Emotional Freedom Technique
- MindSet Assessment – IDENTITY COMPASS TM Consultant
- Certified Human Resources Practitioner
- Certified Strategic and Performance focus Organization
Receiving Awards in every position :
- Sales Management : Developing leader at every level Award
- Marketing : First rank market share Award
- Technical Operations : Ericsson Award
- Human Resources : ASPAC Change Management Award
Core Competency : Personal and Organizational Transformation
Faculty member : IPMI International Business School : Entre/Intra-preneurship, Strategic Marketing, Industrial Marketing and Management
Public trainer : Leadership, Managerial & Soft skill with MindPower