Climate change has developed into a very important issue, The fact that the climate has change and it will influent human life has create big push for the emmition producer to take serious effort to reduce their GHG emission.
Many big leading company has declare their commitment to reduce their company GHG emission. This applied for their company worldwide including here in Indonesia.
The fact told us that many of these committed companies are ISO 14001 certified companies. The questions are, How ISO 14001 could help the companies in reducing their GHG emission? What would be the correlation among continual improvement and GHG emission reduction?
This training will help the companies ISO 14001 team to answer these questions by elaborating the GHG emission reduction into companies environment aspect and impact assesment and develop mitigation measures of GHG as integral part of company’s objective and target.
After the training we expect participants :
: Rp 3,000,000,00/participant
Schedule Training:
Jakarta, 22-23 Januari 2013
Jakarta, 27-28 Februari 2013
Jakarta, 20-21 Maret 2013
Jakarta, 29-30 April 2013
Jakarta, 29-30 Mei 2013
Jakarta, 19-20 Juni 2013
Jakarta, 10-11 Juli 2013
Jakarta, 21-22 Agustus 2013
Jakarta, 25-26 September 2013
Jakarta, 30-31 Oktober 2013
Jakarta, 20-21 November 2013
Jakarta, 16-17 Desember 2013
Informasi pendaftaran dapat menghubungi :
Contact IPQI Training:
T: +62 21 290 695 17-18 – 021 70833830, +62 21 91169081
F: +62 21 837 086 81
M: +62 811 845 5724 (Uchie) +62 811 845 5726 (Lilis) +62 811 845 5725 (Joe)
E: [email protected]/ [email protected]/ [email protected]/ [email protected]
Form Pendaftaran
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